Spiritual Direction

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What is Spiritual Direction?

Spiritual direction is a practice that seeks to provide an opportunity for the spiritual growth and discernment of an individual. It focuses on the individual’s relationship with God and is facilitated by a trained spiritual director, who acts as a loving listener throughout the process. The Holy Spirit is the true director. The practice encourages participation in meaningful spiritual conversations and activities through storytelling, devotion, scripture reflection, discernment work, and reflective dialogue.

A beautiful defintion of spiritual direction by Richard Foster is “an interpersonal relationship in which we learn how to grow, live, and love in the spiritual life.” It is the practice of building relationships grounded in love and respect to bring deeper intimacy with God. It’s a one-on-one process designed to help develop a deeper and more meaningful relationship with God. A spiritual director is much like a companion, offering an attentive presence and a safe space while asking thoughtful questions, so that you will encounter God in your life circumstances throughout the journey. Often, these conversations unfold within a supportive community of like-minded individuals, providing solace and strength as well as an opportunity for reflection. This practice is focused on discovering God’s presence in our lives and hearts with greater awareness and understanding.

What does a session with a spiritual director look like?

Hary provides a safe place, where one’s desire, longing, struggle, and emotions are honored, without the fear of being judged. This is a place where you can truly be who you are and experience God’s unconditional love. Through spiritual direction, the ministry of attentive presence, Hary will listen deeply, ask thoughtful questions, and help you encounter God deep within your soul, allowing you to hear His voice, notice His invitation, and respond to it.

  • Duration: A session is typically one hour (it could be a bit longer or shorter, depending on the Holy Spirit’s leading).
  • Frequency: Typically monthly, but could be every two weeks depending on the needs.
  • Place: It could be via Zoom or in-person.
  • Cost: Donation-based.

Receive attentive presence through spiritual direction